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Texas Tech Olympic Sports

Credential Request Form

Please fill out the following form in its entirety. You can fill out individually or on behalf of any other members of your department or agency.

By filling out this form you are requesting a credential for one of the sports listed below for the 2024-25 season. Please note that a baseball credential must be requested separately from any of the Olympic Sports. If you have any questions, contact the Event Operations department: athletics.eventoperations@ttu.edu.

Requesters Information
Credential Request

Are you associated with a media agency?:

Please select which sport you require access to (if you need access to 2 or more, please select All Olympic Sports):

Notice of Credential Use Conditions

Working credentials are issued for the sole purpose of providing facility access to an accredited individual who has a legitimate working function. It is not transferable. Violations of conditions will prompt revocation of this credential. Any unauthorized use of this credential subjects the bearer to ejection from the facility and prosecution for criminal trespass.

Texas Tech assumes no responsibility for any equipment in use in the facility. The bearer of this credential and his or her employer assume all risk incident to the performance by the bearer or his or her services and assume all risk incident to attending Texas Tech games.

No children, spouses, or guests.

I accept these Terms & Conditions