Welcome to Sun Devil Athletics online operations credentialing system.
To request operations credentials for the 2024-25 Sun Devil season, please complete the appropriate sections and submit online.
Credential requests must be submitted by the departments head or the person she/he assigns. Please make only ONE submission per department, so have an assignor, and include all requests in ONE application. The assignor should submit the request as the “Representative/Contact” with all employees they assign to work the event as “Attendees (Bulk Entry)”. You will receive a confirmation list of the attendees submitted via email and will be able to go back into the form to submit additional attendees if necessary.
If you have not heard a response on your request within a week of your requested game or if you have any questions regarding your credential application, please contact Makenna Kilano at 480-415-1063 or by e-mail at mkilano@asu.edu.